On 26 and 27 of October thetraditional International Scientific and Practical Conference “Bulgaria of the Regions 2023” was held at Plovdiv, Bulgaria.Velizar Petrov, executive director of the Regional Development Agency with Business Support Center for Small and medium-sized Enterprises (RDA BSC SME ) SMARTOUR project partner, presented SMARTOUR project and its Needs Analysis Report.
Needs Analysis Report
The research was carried out by an international team in the partner countries of the SMARTOUR project: Austria, Bulgaria, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, and Slovenia. 161 respondents took part in the questionnaire survey, which makes the study sufficiently representative.
Course materials
Based on the identified needs, SMARTOUR partners are recently working on the SMARTOUR Course Materials development. These Course Materials will be already applied during the first Transnational Workshop in Slovenia in the end of November 2023.
This publication is developed with the contribution of RDA BSC SME, who had also provided supportive photo from the Conference.